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If you’ve never donated to our campaign, will you select any of the following reasons that best describes why you haven’t donated?
I can’t afford to donate anything right now
I already donated to another candidate
I don’t support Beto anymore
I haven’t heard a strong reason to donate to Beto yet
I only donate if I know someone really needs it
I believe Beto has enough money already
I’m waiting until later on in the primary to donate
I don’t believe my donation will have an impact
I only want to donate if I can see what my donation goes toward
I still don’t know who I want to officially support in this primary
If other, please share what other reasons you have for not donating.
Here are some ideas our campaign is thinking about to get more supporters to donate. Which of these ideas do you think would most likely motivate you to chip in? (Please select up to 3 options)
A chance to text or have a phone call with Beto if you donate
A chance to have a meet & greet with Beto if you donate
A chance to win a prize (example: tickets to a concert or musical or show) if you donate
An invitation to attend a campaign meeting if you donate
Your name being added to a top supporters list if you donate
An offer to receive free merch in exchange for a donation of any amount (ex: a free t-shirt or sticker)
Being able to see exactly what your money is paying for (ex: we send you information how we invested your exact donation to our campaign)
Being told that the candidate really needs the money to continue running
Learning more information about the issues the candidate supports
If the candidate directly asked you for help
None of these ideas would motivate me to donate
If you have other ideas that would motivate you to donate, please share:
Have you donated to any of the other 2020 candidates in the race?
If you’ve donated to another candidate in the race, will you share with us who?
Michael Bennet
Joe Biden
Cory Booker
Steve Bullock
Pete Buttigieg
Julián Castro
John Delaney
Tulsi Gabbard
Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar
Wayne Messam
Tim Ryan
Bernie Sanders
Joe Sestak
Tom Steyer
Elizabeth Warren
Marianne Williamson
Andrew Yang
There’s never been a more important time for us to have new grassroots donors chip in to our campaign. Beto still isn’t qualified for the November debate and if we don’t raise enough money this week, Beto’s chances of qualifying will disappear. Will you become a first-time donor today to help us in this critical moment?
Yes, I can donate $50
Yes, I can donate $26.01 (our avg. contribution)
Yes, I can donate $10
Yes, I can give another amount
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