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How much attention are you paying to the 2020 presidential race?
Great deal
Fair amount
Not very much
None at all
Where do you consume most of your news?
Newspaper (online or in print)
Social media
Discussions with family/friends
From what you’ve seen, how much news coverage do you think Beto gets?
A lot of news coverage
Some news coverage
Not very much news coverage
No coverage at all
Out of the following options, what do you think is the most important communications priority for Beto’s campaign?
Talking to voters directly on the ground
Talking to local news stations and reporters
Getting on national television
Spreading the word on social media
How do you feel about the trajectory of Beto’s campaign?
Very positive
Very Negative
Thanks to all your donations, Beto is qualified for the next debate. But if we don’t get enough qualifying polls, we could lose our place on the debate stage after October. Can you chip in today to help us get the word out and reach more voters?
Yes, I can donate $50
Yes, I can donate $22 (our avg. contribution)
Yes, I can donate $10
Yes, I can give another amount
No, I can’t give
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