Team Beto Survey
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Where should Team Beto invest our campaign resources?
Hiring field organizers and staff
Sending direct mail to voters
Running TV, radio, and digital ads
Opening more field offices
Holding town halls and rallies with Beto
Growing our grassroots email list
Something else (please specify)
Other (please specify)
Other candidates are spending BIG in this race. What do you think Team Beto should do to help increase our fundraising?
Send emails to grassroots supporters
Send an occasional text message to supporters to ask for money
Grow our donor base using online ads
Hold fundraising events with Beto
Go on TV or get Beto in the news more often
Something else (please specify)
Other (please specify)
September 30th is the most important FEC fundraising deadline yet. We’ll have to publicly report our donation numbers. It’s absolutely critical for us to post an exciting FEC report -- would you help by donating what you can today?
Yes, I can donate $50
Yes, I can donate $26.01 (our avg. contribution)
Yes, I can donate $10
Yes, I can give another amount
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